Secured Access for Modern Network Environments

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is a security model that verifies every user and device attempting to access resources on a network, regardless of their location, to ensure continuous protection against cyber threats.

What is Zero Trust Network Access?

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) services provide secure access to applications based on identity verification and strict access policies, regardless of user location or device. It ensures that only authorised users and devices can access specific resources, reducing the risk of unauthorised access and potential security breaches.

Why is Zero Trust Network Access Important?

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is crucial as traditional network security models are inadequate for today's dynamic digital landscape. It enhances security by verifying user identities and enforcing strict access controls, mitigating risks associated with unauthorised access, data breaches, and cyber threats in increasingly complex network environments.

Why Suraksha’s ZTNA services

Our solution prioritises user-centric authentication, adopts least privilege principles, and ensures adaptable, compliant access. With a focus on user experience, Yotta uniquely empowers businesses to thrive securely in today's dynamic digital landscape.

Elevate Security Standards with User-Centric Authentication and Adaptive Controls

Yotta's ZTNA service redefines security, prioritizing user-centric authentication and adaptive controls. Seamlessly accessing applications, it transforms cybersecurity for end customers, ensuring compliance and adaptability in the dynamic digital landscape. Our commitment is to empower businesses with robust and user-friendly security solutions.


User-Centric Authentication

Prioritize user identity verification using multifactor authentication and contextual information for secure access.

Least Privilege Access

Grant users the minimal necessary permissions based on their roles, minimizing the attack surface.

Adaptive Access Controls

Dynamically adjust access policies based on user behaviour, device health, and contextual data to respond to evolving threats.

Application-Centric Security

Focus on securing individual applications rather than entire networks, enhancing protection against targeted attacks.

Real-Time Monitoring and Analytics

Monitor user activities in real-time, analyse access patterns, and detect anomalies to mitigate risks promptly.

Compliance Enforcement

Enforce regulatory compliance by implementing access controls, audit trails, and reporting mechanisms.

Device Trustworthiness Assessment

Assess the security posture of devices accessing applications, ensuring compliance with security policies.

Intelligent Policy Management

Implement granular access policies based on user roles, locations, and other contextual factors to ensure security and compliance

Secure Cloud Connectivity

Extend ZTNA security to cloud environments, ensuring consistent protection across hybrid infrastructures.

Use Cases

Remote Work Enablement

Facilitate secure and seamless remote access to corporate applications, enabling employees to work from any location without compromising data security.

Third-Party Access Management

Ensure secure access for third-party vendors and partners, mitigating risks associated with external entities and safeguarding sensitive information.

Cloud Security Enhancement

Extend ZTNA to cloud environments, enhancing security for applications and data hosted in public or private cloud platforms.

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Security

Safeguard corporate resources by implementing secure access controls for employees using personal devices, maintaining data integrity

Privileged User Management

Manage and monitor privileged user access, preventing misuse and ensuring accountability for critical system interactions.

Compliance Adherence

Enforce access controls and audit trails to meet regulatory compliance requirements, providing a secure environment for sensitive data handling.

Insider Threat Prevention

Detect and prevent potential insider threats by continuously monitoring user activities and identifying suspicious behaviour or unauthorized access.

Secure DevOps Practices

Implement secure access controls for development and operations teams, ensuring a balance between security and operational efficiency.

Business Continuity Planning

Support business continuity by enabling employees to securely access critical applications during disruptions or emergencies.

Zero Trust Network Transition

Facilitate the transition to a Zero Trust Network model, enhancing security by continuously verifying user identity and maintaining access controls.

Sensitive Data Protection

Safeguard sensitive data by controlling access to applications and resources, preventing unauthorized users from compromising critical information.

Dynamic Access Policies

Adapt access policies dynamically based on user behaviour, device health, and contextual information to respond to evolving security threats.

Micro-Segmentation Implementation

Implement micro-segmentation to isolate and secure access to specific applications, reducing the attack surface and preventing lateral movement.

Secure Collaboration

Enable secure collaboration by providing authenticated access to shared applications and resources for internal and external collaborators.

Continuous Monitoring and Incident Response

Enhance continuous monitoring capabilities to detect security incidents promptly and respond effectively to mitigate potential risks.

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