Maximising Cybersecurity and Network Efficiency with SASE

Experience heightened cybersecurity and network efficiency with Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) Solutions. Tailored for optimal performance, our offerings empower your organisation with robust security protocols and unparalleled network efficiency.

What is Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)?

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) services integrate network security and connectivity into a unified cloud-based platform. They provide comprehensive security measures and optimise network performance, enabling organisations to efficiently manage remote access, protect data, and ensure secure connectivity for users across various locations.

Why is SASE services Important?

SASE is vital for businesses navigating the digital age. It ensures secure access in the face of remote work trends, accommodates scalability, and integrates diverse security services into a cohesive framework. With a Zero Trust approach, it simplifies complex architectures, enhancing overall security against evolving cyber threats in today's dynamic business landscape.

Why Suraksha's SASE Services?

SASE is a comprehensive network security framework that combines network security functions with WAN capabilities to support the dynamic, secure access needs of organisations.

Designed to deliver security services directly from the cloud, providing a more flexible and scalable approach to securing remote and branch office users.

Encompasses features such as Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), Secure Web Gateways (SWG), Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS), and more, ensuring a robust and unified security posture for organizations in the evolving landscape of remote and distributed workforces.

Advanced Threat Protection and
Zero Trust Framework

SASE pioneers cybersecurity with cutting-edge threat protection and a Zero Trust Framework, ensuring unparalleled network security and business resilience. Our innovative approach seamlessly integrates security services, providing advanced protection against evolving threats. Elevate your organisation's defence posture with Yotta SASE, fortifying your network against cyber risks and securing a robust foundation for sustained growth and success.


Secure Web Gateway (SWG)

Defends against advanced web threats, including encrypted traffic, with web filtering, anti-virus, file filtering, and DLP capabilities. It shields your employees and users from accessing and being infected by malicious web traffic, vulnerable websites, internet-borne viruses, malware, and other cyberthreats.

Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS)

FWaaS helps you replace physical firewall appliances with cloud firewalls that deliver advanced Layer 7/next-generation firewall (NGFW) capabilities, including access controls, such as URL filtering, advanced threat prevention, intrusion prevention systems (IPS), and DNS security.

Universal ZTNA

Applies explicit control universally, replacing implicit access, with granular per-application controls incorporating user authentication, continuous identity validation, and context monitoring for enhanced security. Trust is never assumed, and least privileged access granted based on granular policies. It gives remote users secure connectivity without placing them on your network or exposing your apps to the internet.

Next-Generation Dual-Mode CASB

Dual-Mode CASB secures SaaS apps with both inline and API support, offering comprehensive control, secure access, and Zero Trust posture checks for optimal application security. It identifies, reports, and restricts access, ensuring robust protection against shadow IT.

Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN)

Optimises connectivity by dynamically steering applications through the shortest path to corporate applications, ensuring superior user experience for remote workers with real-time adjustments.

Application Visibility and Control

Over 5,000 application signatures and deep packet inspection provide comprehensive control. A single console simplifies change control, patch management, coordinating outage windows, and policy management while delivering consistent policies across your organisation, wherever users connect from.

Ensure Resilient And Secure Network Environment For End Users

Use cases

  • Zero Trust Framework:

    Implement a zero-trust security model for every user, device, and network component, ensuring robust protection.

  • Firewall as a Service (FWaaS)

    Securely manage and control network traffic, filtering potential threats and maintaining a proactive defense stance.

  • Remote Work Enablement

    Facilitate secure access to corporate resources for remote employees.

  • Branch Office Connectivity

    Ensure seamless and protected connectivity for branch offices.

  • Mobile Workforce Security

    Extend robust security to mobile devices, safeguarding data on the go.

  • Cloud Application Access

    Enable secure and optimised access to cloud-based applications.

  • Data Center Connectivity

    Ensure secure connections to data centers, minimising risks.

  • Unified Security Policy

    Implement consistent security policies across the entire network.

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