Identify and Assess Security Weaknesses with Application Vulnerability Scanning

Identify and mitigate security weaknesses in your software with Application Vulnerability Scanning, which ensures robust protection against cyber threats and compliance with industry standards.

What is Application Vulnerability and Scanning?

Application Vulnerability Scanning is like an automated security checkup for your software. It scans the code for weaknesses that attackers could exploit, such as injection flaws or broken authentication. Early detection helps you patch these vulnerabilities and prevent cyberattacks.

Why is Application Vulnerability and Scanning Important?

AVS is vital because vulnerable applications are prime targets for hackers. Regular scans identify weaknesses in your software's code, like security holes, before attackers find them. This allows you to fix these vulnerabilities quickly, preventing data breaches and protecting your applications.

Why Suraksha’s Application Vulnerability and Scanning (AVS)

Our service utilise automated tools to meticulously scan applications, identifying and addressing potential vulnerabilities. With a focus on proactive risk mitigation, we enhance the security posture of applications, safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring uninterrupted business operations.

Yotta's Application Vulnerability Scanning (AVS) excels with advanced automation, pinpointing and remedying potential vulnerabilities swiftly. Our USPs include comprehensive scanning precision, rapid threat mitigation, and seamless integration, providing end customers with unparalleled assurance in fortifying their applications against evolving cyber threats.


Automated Scanning

Utilizes automated tools to conduct thorough scans of applications, ensuring comprehensive coverage and efficiency.

Precise Vulnerability Identification

Pinpoints vulnerabilities with precision, providing accurate insights into potential security weaknesses.

Rapid Remediation Recommendations

Offers swift and actionable recommendations for mitigating identified vulnerabilities, minimizing the window of exposure.

Continuous Monitoring

Enables ongoing monitoring to detect new vulnerabilities that may arise as applications evolve.

Customizable Scanning Policies

Tailors scanning policies to match specific application requirements and security needs.

Integration Capabilities

Seamlessly integrates with existing security infrastructure and workflows for cohesive vulnerability management.


Scales to meet the growing demands of diverse application portfolios, ensuring flexibility and adaptability.

Comprehensive Reporting

Generates detailed reports outlining identified vulnerabilities, remediation actions, and overall security posture.

Prioritisation of Risks

Prioritises identified vulnerabilities based on severity, allowing organisations to address high-risk issues promptly.

User-Friendly Interface

Provides an intuitive interface for easy management, monitoring, and interpretation of scanning results.

Regulatory Compliance Support

Assists organisations in maintaining compliance with relevant industry regulations and data protection standards.

Threat Intelligence Integration

Incorporates threat intelligence feeds to enhance vulnerability scanning accuracy and relevance.

Asset Discovery and Classification

Discovers and classifies assets within the application environment for a holistic understanding of potential risks.

Cloud and On-Premises Support

Extends scanning capabilities to both cloud-based and on-premises applications, ensuring comprehensive coverage.

Continuous Updates

Regularly updates scanning tools and vulnerability databases to stay current with emerging threats and exploit techniques.

Use Cases

Risk Mitigation

Identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in applications to reduce the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access

Compliance Assurance

Ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards by regularly scanning applications for security vulnerabilities.

Security Posture Improvement

Enhance overall security posture by proactively addressing potential weaknesses in applications.

Continuous Monitoring

Establish continuous monitoring to detect new vulnerabilities that may emerge as applications evolve.

Incident Prevention

Proactively address vulnerabilities to prevent security incidents and minimize the impact of potential breaches.

Patch Management

Facilitate effective patch management by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities that require patching.

Asset Discovery

Discover and classify assets within the application environment for a comprehensive understanding of potential risks.

Cloud Security Assurance

Extend scanning capabilities to cloud-based applications, ensuring security in dynamic and scalable cloud environments.

DevOps Integration

Integrate vulnerability scanning seamlessly into DevOps processes for secure and compliant application development.

Third-Party Application Security

Assess and manage security risks associated with third-party applications integrated into the organization's environment.

Prioritization of Remediation Efforts

Prioritize remediation efforts based on the severity of identified vulnerabilities to allocate resources effectively.

Secure Software Development

Embed security practices into the software development lifecycle to prevent vulnerabilities in the early stages of application development.

User Data Protection

Safeguard sensitive user data by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities that may expose personal information.

Regulatory Compliance Reporting

Generate reports to demonstrate compliance with data protection regulations and industry-specific security standards.

Holistic Application Security Strategy

Formulate a comprehensive application security strategy by incorporating regular vulnerability scanning as a foundational element.

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