How A CSOC Can Help Keep Your Enterprise Safe from Cyber Risks

Rajesh Garg

12 Mar 2024

4 min read


Cyber threats come in various forms, each bringing its own magnitude of impact. These threats can include anything from malware, ransomware to phishing attacks, DDoS and other kinds of cyberattacks that can potentially bring down entire networks. To combat these, businesses are increasingly investing in Cyber Security Operations Center (CSOC), which are dedicated to detecting and responding effectively to such risks.

What Is A CSOC?
A Cyber Security Operations Center is a service that monitors, detects, and responds to cyber threats. The division consists of cybersecurity experts, who have experience in incident response, vulnerability assessment, threat intelligence, and penetration testing. It is essentially a centralised unit that ensures the security of an enterprise’s information systems and networks.

One of the primary roles of CSOC is to provide the enterprise with a complete view of its security posture. It achieves this by monitoring and analysing various data sources like network traffic, security alerts and system logs. The unit must be equipped with advanced tools and technologies to automate security processes, detect and swiftly respond to cyber risks.

Who Is Part Of The CSOC Team?
The Cyber Security Operations Center usually constitutes highly-skilled professionals with domain expertise in various areas of cybersecurity. It can include incident responders, security analysts, network engineers, threat hunters, malware analysts, and forensic investigators. These are just some of the roles that may be part of a CSOC team. It can vary based on the size and needs of a company’s security needs.

The CSOC team may collaborate with law enforcement agencies to share threat intelligence and stay informed about recent cyber risks. Overall, the Cyber Security Operations Center plays an important role in safeguarding a company’s assets, infrastructure, and reputation from cyber threats.

Why Do Enterprises Need A CSOC?

  1. Risk Detection and Response: CSOC is tasked with monitoring the company’s digital environment to identify potential threats and swiftly respond to incidents, should any occur. These efforts keep data breaches, cyberattacks, and other security incidents at bay.
  2. Enhanced Incident Management: An organisation can manage security incidents more efficiently with a CSOC team. With a central point of contact for incident reporting and response, incidents can get tracked, documented, and resolved in a consistent manner. Additionally, CSOC can help enterprises create an incident response plan, aligning it with the mandates of CERT-In.
  3. Continuous Monitoring: CSOC monitors a company’s digital environment 24×7. This allows for early detection of threats and shortens the time taken to respond to incidents. This helps identify breaches or violations of CERT-In mandates in real-time, thereby enabling a prompt response.
  4. Compliance Requirements: Companies are often subject to compliance and regulations that require them to have a robust security system. CSOC can conduct regular audits to ensure the organisation complies with CERT-In mandates.

Challenges Of Building Your Own Security Operations Center (SOC)

  1. Expertise and skills gap: To create a successful SOC, you need a team of highly competent individuals that can handle a variety of security tasks, including threat detection, incident response, and vulnerability management. However, it can be daunting to find qualified cyber security personnel with a diverse range of expertise.
  2. Cost and resource allocation: Significant up-front costs, such as infrastructure setup, hardware, software, and ongoing maintenance costs, are involved in setting up an internal SOC. Organisations must also make investments in ongoing training programmes to keep their SOC staff up-to-date on the most recent developments in security trends and technologies.
  3. 24/7 monitoring: Cyberattacks can happen at any time – they are not time-bound. Operating and budgetary challenges can arise when establishing an internal SOC that is staffed 24/7. Significant effort and resources are needed to manage shift schedules, ensure the availability of qualified staff, and maintain constant surveillance.

Building a SOC in-house may seem like a good idea, but enterprises frequently struggle with issues related to knowledge, expense, resources, and scalability. By choosing a managed CSOC, you can access a team of knowledgeable experts, cost-effective solutions, round-the-clock monitoring, cutting-edge technology, and scalability.

How A Managed CSOC Can Benefit Your Enterprise
A managed CSOC is a third-party service that provides organisations with a comprehensive approach to managing and monitoring their cybersecurity defenses. The third-party service provider assumes responsibility for monitoring and responding to cybersecurity threats, freeing up a company’s internal IT resources to focus on their core business activities.

The managed CSOC typically operates round-the-clock, monitoring an organisation’s networks and systems for suspicious activities, anomalies, and potential threats. They use advanced security tools, including threat intelligence feeds, advanced analytics, and machine learning algorithms to respond to cybersecurity incidents. They perform vulnerability scanning and penetration testing to identify potential weaknesses in cybersecurity defenses. The managed CSOC team works closely with an enterprise’s IT team to ensure that any vulnerabilities or issues are addressed promptly.

The biggest advantage of managed CSOC, a part of cybersecurity solutions, is the cost savings. An in-house CSOC can be costly, given that major investments must be made in infrastructure and technology. By outsourcing to a third-party provider, enterprises can significantly reduce these costs. They can instead use their resources for other critical business functions. Additionally, a managed CSOC can improve businesses’ security posture, as it can be challenging for enterprises to keep pace with the latest developments in cybersecurity. Third-party providers have access to recent threat intelligence and tools, and they can aid with quickly mitigating potential security risks. Moreover, managed CSOC provides enterprises with access to expertise. By outsourcing, companies can tap into a pool of experts possessing a wide range of skills and domain knowledge.

Yotta Smart CSOC provides Managed Detection & Response (MDR) service to protect enterprises from evolving cyber threats. It delivers holistic protection to an enterprise’s IT infrastructure, ensuring complete security for new-age workloads. Yotta Smart CSOC assures organisations of proactive threat hunting, vulnerability scanning, improved detection and response time, and an uptime guarantee of a Tier IV data center. Being a SaaS-based solution provided on public and private cloud, among others, it serves the cybersecurity needs of enterprises with varied infrastructure setups.

Stay Ahead Of Cyber Threats With A CSOC

The consequences from ever-evolving cyber threats can be severe. Gartner predicts that by 2025, 30% of critical infrastructure enterprises will suffer a security breach, causing a halt in the operations or mission-critical cyber-physical systems. Implementing a managed CSOC can enhance an enterprise’s cybersecurity posture significantly. Enterprises are better prepared to proactively defend against cyber risks and protect their assets and brand image. In today’s time, a managed CSOC is not just a smart business decision, but also a necessary one.

Rajesh Garg

Senior Executive Vice President & Chief Digital Officer - Head of Applications, Cybersecurity & CISO function

With a stellar record in Digital Transformations in India, Rajesh leads the 360-degree growth of ERP solutions, cybersecurity solutions, application modernisation, product design and development, and consulting. He brings over 31 years of diverse experience in Technology, Strategy, Transformation, Enterprise architecture, Industry 4.0, Advanced Data Analytics, Service Delivery and Assurance, Service offering management, Governance, Business engagement and Global leadership.